Casa 39
Product Upload & Inventory Management

Project Introduction:

To help our customers, we presented a VA method to support the e-commerce save with the large vista of merchandise. It changed its mission to help in the safe management of its products and where the major tasks entailed were the addition of more products, altering the existing ones, categorization, and stock management. We expected that by using this answer to the consumer we were to provide him with the improved operational efficiency of their online store.

About the consumer and its industry:

Our commercial patron Casa39 is one of the most dominant e-commerce stores that sells almost everything from electronics, style, domestic appliances and so on. In an even more intense market, it is imperative for their success that they manage their savings and stock them adequately to match the demands of the consumer and leapfrog the competitors.

Problem Statement:

The overall performance of the consumer was affected by several constraints due to the nature of dealing with a wide range of products. They experienced issues when it came to updating product catalogs, where they were slow in changing the available merchandise, updating info on the products, and categorizing the merchandise correctly; besides, they also struggled to maintain the appropriate levels of inventory and had to make changes frequently in terms of the music to be played. These problems resulted in a waste of time, missed sales opportunities, and unsatisfied clients because of previous or wrong product figures.


  • Product ListingThey pointed to the slow listing of new merchandise as hampering the organization’s capacity for customers to find new products or gadgets.

  • Product UpdatesChanges that occurred often in details of products, costs, and availability remained difficult to manipulate, resulting in diverse inconsistencies and errors.

  • Category OptimizationThe poor product categorization impacted its organization to make it easier for the client to the flow of items and organize and manage the store.

  • Inventory ManagementDealing with inventories tends to become complex through the updating of the status of all inventories to make the right decision that shows there is a stock out or overstock situation


To obtain these aims, we brought one VA into the store to switch all the variants with the others. The VA's duties covered:

  • Product UploadingThe new merchandise must be listed swiftly and in the correct way on the consumer’s online shopping platform.

  • Product UpdatesContinual updating of product statistics, which contain description, price, and inventory, is required to keep the online safe.Other figures which can be obtained from retailing include product description, price, and the availability of such products; should be replicated in the internet store to be consistent with the current store.

  • Category OptimizationProducts are merchandised into the right classes to make them easily accessible and customers are happier while searching through the store.

  • Inventory ManagementTo help you avoid those unnecessary incidents today of having your stock outs or being overstocked and to be able to achieve a good stock machine.


  • 40% Reduced Time to List New Products

    The time required to list new products was reduced by 40%.

  • Increased Sales by 20%

    Sales increased by 20% due to faster product availability.

  • Improved Customer Satisfaction

    Customer satisfaction scores improved by 50% thanks to timely product updates.

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