WikiHow many types of campaigns are available on LinkedIn

How many types of campaigns are available on LinkedIn

May 17, 2023

LinkedIn is your key to accessing a network of over 1 billion professionals. It goes without saying that if you own an online business, you should be advertising through LinkedIn campaigns. More than 2 million businesses are already advertising on LinkedIn. And if that is not enough.

LinkedIn ads have the potential to reach 14.6% of the global population. By offering a variety of ad campaigns, LinkedIn lets you target your audience very precisely, so you can connect with the individuals and businesses who are most important to your company.

However, which of the several campaigns available for LinkedIn advertisements is ideal for your company? Read on this wiki to find out more about LinkedIn campaigns.

LinkedIn Campaigns

LinkedIn campaigns are managed through the LinkedIn Campaign Manager, a tool that helps you create, manage, and optimize your ads.

Sponsored Content

Sponsored Content

Showcase your brand and products directly in LinkedIn user feeds with this LinkedIn campaign. Create engaging content, like blog posts, infographics, or product demonstration videos. Target your content to specific demographics, professions, and interests to ensure it reaches the most relevant audience. 

The goal is to spark engagement – get people to like, comment, and share your content, expanding your reach organically and establishing brand awareness.

Sponsored Messaging

Sponsored Messaging

The next one in LinkedIn campaign types is Sponsored messaging. This lets you initiate direct conversations with potential customers. Craft targeted messages highlighting the value proposition of your products. You can even create interactive experiences within the message itself, allowing users to choose their path and learn more about what interests them. By leveraging LinkedIn profile data to personalize these messages, you can tailor your approach to resonate with individual needs and build stronger connections.

Lead Gen Forms

Lead Gen Forms

Streamline lead capture by embedding lead gen forms directly within your sponsored content. This allows users to express interest in your products without leaving the LinkedIn platform. These forms are typically short and require minimal information, making it easier for users to convert. LinkedIn even pre-fills some information from their profiles, further reducing friction in the lead capture process and easy LinkedIn campaign management. Once leads are captured, you can nurture them through targeted email marketing campaigns, ultimately driving conversions.

Text Ads & Dynamic Ads

Text Ads & Dynamic Ads

These function like attention-grabbing billboards within LinkedIn’s interface. Linkedin text ad campaigns are concise and to the point, allowing you to deliver quick bursts of information about your brand or promotions. For example, you could use a text ad to announce a flash sale or the launch of a new product line. Dynamic Ads take it a step further by personalizing the message with user data. Imagine a text ad that automatically inserts the user’s name or references their industry – this added touch can significantly increase the ad’s relevance and grab attention. Both Text Ads and Dynamic Ads appear alongside organic content, ensuring high visibility for your brand and driving website traffic.

Sponsored InMail Campaign

Sponsored InMail Campaign

This sponsored InMail campaign allows you to send personalized messages directly to targeted inboxes, bypassing the need for connection requests. Leverage LinkedIn’s advanced targeting options to ensure your messages reach the most relevant professionals. Craft compelling messages that address their specific needs and highlight how your products can solve their problems. By landing directly in a potential customer’s inbox, Sponsored InMail messages can grab immediate attention and significantly increase engagement compared to traditional outreach methods.

Remember, the best campaign type depends on your specific goals. Experiment with LinkedIn campaigns and track your results to see what resonates best with your target audience.

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