WikiHow to create App Install Campaigns on Pinterest

How to create App Install Campaigns on Pinterest

May 17, 2023

With the onset trend of technology, it is important to evolve your brand with time. Brands have now started to make their applications for a more streamlined way of advertising. With these applications, customers can easily shop and choose from the various products the brand is promoting.

To make the brand sound more convincing to the audience, brands create a sense of urgency for the users to install their app for a better shopping experience. This convinces the customer of the need to use the application to view better products and offers.

Therefore, the brands have started to create app install campaigns for their promotion. Various platforms have started to give brands access to create their ad campaigns.

In this blog, we will discuss what an app install campaign is and how to create it on the platform ‘Pinterest.’

What is an app install campaign?

App install campaign refers to advertising campaigns that encourage people to install the app. For example, when a user is viewing the ad for a product, the pop-up of ‘install the app’ comes up. This persuades the customer to install the app to view more about the product.

Why are app install campaigns important?

App install campaign promotes the company’s app to the customer. Brands encourage customers to use their app version for better visibility of the products. This increases the number of downloads, making the app version more popular.

App install campaigns also increase the usage of the app. If a customer has already downloaded the app, they can open it in case they come across any intriguing advertising. This makes direct purchases from the app much easier. The customer is more likely to make a greater number of purchases as they receive better shopping experience.

Brands can enjoy the following benefits of app install campaigns:

  • They can keep track of their app advertising and the campaign’s success rate 
  • They can check the number of downloads in a particular time period. 
  • They can modify or change the campaign depending on the success rate. 
  • Brands can cut down ineffective advertising costs.
  • They can pinpoint the target audience’s needs and demands better.

How can brands promote app install campaigns?

Brands can ask the users to install the app through catchy advertisements. This intrigues the customer to download the app and check the products. Brands can use many tactics to promote their app in the advertising by:

  • Creating a sense of urgency to install the app
  • Using promotional offers and coupons
  • In the case of selling service, making the first consultation free
  • Providing in-app personalized choices  
  • Making all products only visible in the app version

Let us take the example of selling a service. Many astrology companies are selling their service by making the first consultation free. People are lured by this and install the app to get their free consultation. If the company offers great service, the customer becomes loyal to the company. This way, the brand can gain a customer as well as get the app installed.

What is Pinterest?

It is a social media site where people can look up inspiration for various things like homestyle, cooking, decor, motivation, etc. These are shared via images, videos, GIFs, and animation. People can save their choices as a ‘pin,’ similar to the way information is put on bulletin boards. The app is widely popular today, with over 482 million active users worldwide.

Why is an app install campaign required in Pinterest?

With the popularity of Pinterest, brands can put up their app install campaign for better visibility. For example, if a person is looking for home decor inspiration and he/she comes across an ad for great home decor options, the user will be tempted to check out the app.

The brands can also maintain a record of understanding the customer’s preferences. This gives a greater insight into which people are interested in the brand, who are the potential customers, and whether the ad is directed to the proper target audience. This eliminates unnecessary ad campaign costs by setting appropriate goals and objectives for the ad campaign.

What are the best practices for creating an effective app install campaign on Pinterest?

While it is a great way to promote your app on Pinterest, it is also necessary to make sure that the campaign is excellent. For that, the brands need to follow a few steps to create an effective campaign:

  • Make a focal point in the campaign. In this case, downloading the app should be the main highlight.
  • Make the ads creative, engaging, and to the point
  • Add proper links 
  • Use the brand logo and name in the correct areas in the ad
  • Use attractive images and videos, highlighting the ad
  • Highlight on why people need to install the app right now

Creating an ad campaign on Pinterest

To create an effective ad campaign, there is a flowchart that needs to be maintained. Similarly, some steps need to be followed to create an app install campaign on Pinterest.

Follow these steps to create an App Install Campaign on Pinterest:

1. Create a Pinterest Business Account:

  • If you don’t have a Pinterest Business Account, create one. You can sign up or convert your existing personal account to a business account.

2. Set Up a Pinterest Ad Account:

  • Once you have a business account, set up your Pinterest Ad Account. You’ll need to provide billing information and other relevant details.

3. Install the Pinterest Tag:

  • Install the Pinterest Tag on your mobile app. The Pinterest Tag is a piece of code that allows Pinterest to track user interactions with your app.

4. Create a Campaign:

  • Log in to your Pinterest Ads Manager.
  • Click on the “Create Ad” button to start a new campaign.
  • Choose the campaign objective as “App Install.”

5. Define Campaign Details:

  • Set your campaign details, including the campaign name, budget, and schedule.

6. Set Ad Group Details:

  • Create ad groups within your campaign. Define the targeting options for your ad groups, such as location, interests, demographics, and devices.

7.Create Pins for Your App:

  • Develop visually appealing Pins that promote your mobile app. Make sure to include compelling images and clear calls-to-action.

8. Add App Install Cards:

  • In your Pins, add App Install Cards. These are special cards that include an app icon, app name, and an “Install Now” button.

9. Set Bidding and Budget:

  • Define your bidding strategy and budget for the campaign and ad groups.

10. Review and Launch:

  • Review all your campaign settings and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Once satisfied, launch your App Install Campaign.

11. Monitor and Optimize:

  • Regularly monitor the performance of your campaign, analyzing metrics like impressions, clicks, and installs.
  • Use the insights to optimize your campaign for better results.

Tracking the success rate of app install campaigns on Pinterest

While it is essential to run an app install campaign, it is also important to keep track of its performance. The performance evaluation determines how successful your campaign is.

These are the following steps to follow for tracking the campaign status:

  • Open Pinterest
  • Click on the ‘Ads’ section
  • Click on ‘Reporting’ under that tab
  • Go to the ‘Performance’ section
  • Under the ‘Performance’ section, you can analyze the success rate of the campaign
  • You can also monitor the number of app downloads under the same section

Remember to monitor and optimize your campaign performance regularly. Analyze the metrics provided in the Pinterest Ads dashboard to evaluate the effectiveness of your ads in driving app installs. Make necessary adjustments to your targeting and creative strategies to maximize the results of your app install campaign on Pinterest.

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