BlogEmail Segmentation Strategy: What You Need To Know

Email Segmentation Strategy: What You Need To Know

Jun 17, 2024
Email Segmentation Strategy: What You Need To Know

Email marketing is still a very effective tool for companies, but how effectively you can tailor your messages to your target will determine how successful it is. Email segmentation is what will tackle this area. 

Your email marketing initiatives will be more successful if you comprehend and apply email segmentation. This allows you to deliver communications that are more targeted and relevant. 

So, let’s begin!

What Is Email Segmentation?

Using your email list to create smaller subgroups according to particular traits like preferences, habits, or demographics is known as an email segmentation strategy. This lets you send each group more tailored and relevant emails, which can increase engagement rates and boost marketing effectiveness all around.

Enhancing engagement with your audience is one of the many benefits that result from addressing individual needs and interests through email segmentation. This implies that the content Klaviyo experts deliver will have a higher likelihood of striking a chord with your audience, making them more likely to open, click, and take action.

Benefits of Email Segmentation

Boosts Engagement

Emails that are relatable have a higher probability of being engaging; it’s that easy. 

As a result, segmentation in Klaviyo email marketing guarantees that the recipients of your emails are those people whose needs and interests are met by the content of the email. This customized tactic ensures their interest in your brand and what you communicate, which not only captures their attention but also results in high click-through rates.

Increases Click-Through Rates

Emails, when they are targeted, speak to the recipient’s interests or pain points directly. Hence, they are more likely to click on your Call to Action (CTA), which could be a product page link, a free trial offer, or registration for a webinar, among others. Through this, the best email experts can increase conversion rates.

Lifts Conversion Rates

The email needs to meet with the recipient’s interest. Targeted emails with specific calls to action are like focused light beams, for guiding subscribers towards taking a particular action. 

Even in B2B email automation, segmentation is crucial. You can connect on a personal level by segmenting your list and creating CTAs that address the demands of each segment. This strategy lowers the number of people unsubscribing from your list while simultaneously increasing consumer loyalty.

Reduces Unsubscribes

No one ever likes to receive irrelevant emails, and they only add needless clutter to your inbox. However, by employing an email segmentation strategy, you can make sure that the recipients of your email list receive messages that are relevant to their interests. 

Consequently, you minimize the number of individuals who will click the unsubscribe button, keeping those who have opted to follow you because they think your content is valuable.

Strengthens Customer Relationships

Using an email segmentation strategy, you can build relationships with your subscribers by sending them relevant content that corresponds with their interests and stage of the purchasing process. This shows that you are aware of their needs and that you understand them, which fosters trust. It encourages better and more loyal customer relationships: in other words, personalized communication is essential.

How To Segment Email Lists

Here are some common segmentation criteria:

  • Demographics: Age, location, gender, income level, etc.
  • Behavior: Website visits, past purchases, clicks, email opens, downloads, etc.
  • Interests: Preferences indicated during signup forms, website browsing behavior, email click-throughs, etc.
  • Purchase History: First-time buyers, high spenders, repeat customers, etc.
  • Lifecycle Stage: New subscribers, engaged subscribers, inactive subscribers, etc.


Criteria Description Example
Demographics Age, gender, location, income level Target soccer equipment to subscribers aged 18-25, while focusing on fitness equipment for those 40 and over.
Behavior  Past purchases, website visits, email opens, clicks and downloads Send emails about new running shoes to subscribers who have previously purchased running gear and visited running shoe product pages.
Interests  Preferences indicated during signup forms, website browsing behavior, email click-throughs Segment by sports teams and send email alerts about upcoming team merchandise sales.
Purchase history First-time buyers, high spenders, and repeat customers Reward high spenders with exclusive discounts or early access to new product launches.
Lifecycle stage New subscribers, engaged subscribers, inactive subscribers Welcome new subscribers with a series of educational emails about different sports and the store’s product categories. Re-engage inactive subscribers with special offers to win them back.

Email Segmentation Tools and Software

Many email marketing platforms offer segmentation features. Here are some popular email segmentation tools:

  • Mailchimp: A user-friendly platform with basic segmentation as well as complex requirements suitable for all types of lists.
  • Constant Contact: Offers segmentation by demographics, email activity, and custom fields.
  • GetResponse: Provides advanced segmentation options, including purchase history and website behavior.
  • ActiveCampaign: Caters to businesses looking for powerful email automation and segmentation features.
  • HubSpot: Offers comprehensive email marketing automation with email segmentation capabilities.
  • Klaviyo: Tailored for e-commerce businesses and Klaviyo experts with features for purchase history, abandoned cart, and product recommendations.
  • Drip: Another e-commerce-focused platform with segmentation based on customer behavior and purchase history.

These are the platforms that enable you to come up with segments through different criteria and create email marketing automation campaigns.

Choosing the Right Email Segmentation Tools and Support

The best email segmentation tools and support for your business depend on your specific needs and budget.

  • Ease of Use: It should be simple to use and navigable even for people who have never used a marketing platform before.
  • Segmentation Capabilities: Make sure the platform has advanced and sophisticated segmentation tools that meet your requirements.
  • Email Automation Features: Look for a platform that allows you to automate email workflows based on subscriber behavior.
  • Customer Support: Reliable customer support is crucial for any software platform.

10 Email Marketing Segmentation Strategies

1. Welcome New Subscribers

When you hire an online assistant they will make sure when users sign up they receive a nice warm welcome email. It should tell them who your brand is and why it’s worth their while to subscribe.

2. Segment by Purchase History

Get in touch with those making their first purchase by offering special deals that would push them towards making more purchases, for example, new product promos or exclusive deals for those who have shopped more than once. You can also provide VIP treatment and loyalty programs for high spenders.

3. Segment by Behaviour

You can outsource virtual assistants for email marketing and use their expertise to provide exclusive content to loyal customers and individuals who have shown interest in the content. Also, re-engage inactive subscribers with campaigns that seek to win them back, such as discounts or other valuable content.

4. Segment by Interests

Use website activity information and email response data when sending emails, so that your messages are personalized according to what each subscriber is interested in. 

5. Segment by Lifecycle Stage

Make sure that your emails suit a subscriber’s position in their customer journey. Those who are new leads might need more nurturing content, whereas qualified leads could be more interested in seeing product demos or receiving special offers.

6. Segment by Abandoned Carts

The best email automation service will help you send automated reminder emails to customers who leave their shopping carts. This will remind them of their pending purchase without being too pushy. 

7. Segment by Location

Run location-specific promotions or highlight products relevant to a particular region.

8. Segmentation by Birthday or Anniversary

Celebrate subscriber birthdays or anniversaries with personalized offers or greetings.

9. Segmentation Based on Downloads or Signups

You have downloadable content or a webinar; categorize subscribers who show interest in particular resources and send them follow-up emails with more details or related products.

10. Use A/B Testing

You can test various email versions on more focused, smaller groups by using segmentation in email marketing Klaviyo. You can fine-tune your email marketing approach using A/B testing to determine which subject lines, email content, and call-to-actions (CTAs) perform best for each group.

Final word!

There you have it: a thorough introduction to email marketing segmentation.

Managing email marketing internally can become extremely difficult if you’re pressed for time as a business owner. You can hire EcomVA virtual assistants that specialize in email marketing instead.

Benefits of Hiring Our Virtual Assistant for Email Segmentation:

  • Expertise: Our virtual assistants can assist you in creating focused email campaigns and a comprehensive segmentation plan.
  • Time-Saving: By hiring a VA, you can focus on operating your main business and save up crucial time.
  • Cost-Effective: Hiring a VA instead of a full-time marketing staff member can prove to be a more economical choice.

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